LiCoRICE Quickstart

Welcome to LiCoRICE! We’re excited to help you bring the principles of realtime computing to your conventional hardware. This guide provides instructions on how to build a simple model from scratch. We’ll start out with a model that just prints output to our terminal each tick and progressively add more complexity until we’re reading in external outputs, piping them through the realtime system, and writing them back out.

0. Prerequisites

This guide assumes that you’re working in a BASH shell on a POSIX-compliant system and have followed the LiCoRICE installation instructions.

1. Simple Hello World

This first hello world example will create a LiCoRICE model that outputs a message once a second 10 times. This is one of the simplest models we can construct with just one module. We’ll write everything from scratch.

Create a workspace

In this example, we’ll assume you’re using ~/licorice_quickstart as your workspace.

export LICORICE_WORKING_PATH=~/licorice_quickstart

The above sets the LICORICE_WORKING_PATH environment variable and creates the directory. This tells LiCoRICE where to look for model and module files. Feel free to change the path to anything that’s convenient on your system.

Specify the model

Create the model file:

touch $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-1.yaml

Open the created file add the following:

  tick_len: 1000000  # tick length in microseconds (1s)
  num_ticks: 10  # number of ticks to run for
  source_init_ticks: 1  # number of source ticks run before time t=0

    language: python
    constructor: true

This specifies a LiCoRICE model that has a single module, counter_simple which will run 10 times over 10 seconds and must complete its execution once every 1 second.

Generate modules

licorice generate quickstart-1 -y

This should generate two files: $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/ and $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/

Write modules

Open the constructor ($LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/ and add the following:

counter = 0

Then open the parser ($LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/ and add the following:

print(f"Hello World! Tick: {counter}", flush=True)
counter += 1

The constructor will create a variable counter and set it to 0 before realtime execution starts. Then, each tick, the value of counter will be output and incremented. We interpolate a Python f-string with the counter value and flush stdout so that the output appears in our terminal immediately.


In general, only one command (go) needs to be issued to parse, compile, and run a model, but these commands can also be issued individually if need be:

licorice go quickstart-1 -y

If everything worked, you should see the following among the output in your terminal:

Hello World! Tick: 0
Hello World! Tick: 1
Hello World! Tick: 2
Hello World! Tick: 3
Hello World! Tick: 4
Hello World! Tick: 5
Hello World! Tick: 6
Hello World! Tick: 7
Hello World! Tick: 8
Hello World! Tick: 9

2. Pass a Signal

The first example showed you how to set up a simple LiCoRICE model with one module. Here, we’ll split that module in two and use a signal to pass data from the first module to the second. The behavior of this model will be exactly the same, but we’re able to see how LiCoRICE can pass data from a generator process to a printer process each tick.

Update model config

Copy over the model config to a different file:

cp $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-1.yaml $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-2.yaml

First, add another top-level block called signals with our signal definition as follows:

    shape: 1
    dtype: int32

This defines a NumPy array that can be shared between our models.

Now, add another module nested under modules: with the following info:

    language: python
    constructor: true
      - tick_count


The tick_counter module will have a constructor and is responsible for outputting the tick_count signal.

Next, change the name of the counter_simple module to counter so we can generate a new set of module files and remove its constructor. It also must take tick_count as an input:


    language: python
      - tick_count

This model now defines two modules with a signal passed between them.

Generate modules

Go ahead and generate a new set of module files to use for this model.

licorice generate quickstart-2 -y

This should generate three files: two module files and one constructor.

Write modules

Open the tick_counter constructor ($LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/ and add the following:

counter = 0

This is basically doing the job of the constructor from the previous example.

Then open the tick_counter parser ($LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/ and add the following:

tick_count[:] = counter
counter += 1

Instead of printing the counter variable directly in the module as before, we pass it along as a LiCoRICE signal that can be read by the counter module.

Finally, open the counter and add the following line:

print(f"Hello World! Tick: {tick_count[0]}", flush=True)

The functionality of this model is the same as quickstart-1, but the logic of the counter-simple module is split between one module that keeps track of the tick number and one that outputs over stdout. A signal passes information between these two processes. This has the advantage of allowing us to create multiple modules that will read from the signal in parallel.


Run the new model:

licorice go quickstart-2 -y

Now you should see the same output as the quickstart-1 model in your terminal.

3. Add Logging

LiCoRICE also allows you to log signals so that the entire history of a model’s run can be examined after the fact.

Update model config

Copy over the model config to a different file:

cp $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-2.yaml $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-3.yaml

Open up the quickstart-3.yaml model file and set the log flag on the tick_count signal:

    shape: 1
    dtype: int32
    log: true

And then add a logger module (sink) which will be responsible for writing this signal to disk:



    language: python
      - tick_count
      name: log_sqlite
        type: 'disk'
        save_file: './data' # TODO allow user to write local path here


Run the new model:

licorice go quickstart-3 -y

You should see the same output as the quickstart-2 model in your terminal, but there should also be a SQLite database file that was created in the LiCoRICE output directory.

Examine the results

To examine the SQLite database file, run:

sqlite3 $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-3.lico/out/data_0000.db "select * from signals;"

And you should see the value of the tick_count variable over time:


4. Output an External Signal

So far, we’ve only dealt with internal modules and signals. These pass data and perform computation within LiCoRICE and aren’t meant to interact with external processes or devices. In this model, we’ll see how to output a digital signal from LiCoRICE over parallel port that can be read by an oscilloscope.

Prerequisite Hardware

To output and view our parallel port external signal, we’ll need some specific hardware:

  • PC with two empty PCIe slots

  • 2x PCIe parallel port adapter. We recommend cards that work automatically with the Linux kernel and don’t require a separate driver such as this one.

  • 2x DB25 male-to-female parallel cable

  • 2x parallel breakout board

  • 4x male-to-male jumper wires

  • oscilloscope. You’re welcome to use any oscilloscope that you have on hand, but for our examples, we use the Hantek DSO2D10 (docs) since it’s fairly inexpensive and has a signal generator and persist function which lets us monitor our tick_count signal over time.

Hardware Setup

If the two parallel port cards are not already installed in your computer, open up your PC’s case and plug them in. If you’re using the recommended card above with a low-profile expansion slot, you’ll have to remove the bracket and serial port and install the included low-profile bracket. After installing the two parallel ports in your PC, you should see that ls /dev/parport* returns /dev/parport0 /dev/parport1. If this isn’t the case, the easiest solution is unfortunately to use different parallel port adapters. If you’re unfamiliar with installing PCI-e cards, feel free to watch this video.

Once your PC is set up correctly, you’ll need to connect the male side of each parallel cable to your PC and the female sides to breakout boards. Then, you can loosen the screws on the breakout board to insert jumper wires to the breakout board. For each breakout board, connect one jumper wire to one of the GND pins (pin 25) and one jumper wire to one of the data pins (pin 9). Tighten breakout board screws. Parallel port pinout for reference.

Finally, connect your BNC oscilloscope probes with the probe connected to pin 9 on each breakout board and the black alligator clip connected to pin 25 on each breakout board. We’ll connect channel 1 to the breakout board connected to our first parallel port (/dev/parport0) and channel 2 to /dev/parport1. If you’re not sure which is which, connect it either way and change it after viewing the program output.


Make sure the user running LiCoRICE can access the port by adding them to the lp group as follows:

sudo usermod -aG lp <user>

Then log out and back in for the changes to take effect. Note that you’ll have to reset environment variables such as $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH after restarting your session.

Update model config

Copy over the model config to a different file:

cp $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-3.yaml $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-4.yaml

Add a parallel port sink that will take in tick_count and output the result over our connected parallel port:


    language: python
      - parallel_out
      name: parport_out
        type: parport
        addr: 1

This creates a sink process which uses the in-built parport driver outputting over /dev/parport1.

We’ll also add a parallel_toggle module under modules that will create the signal which controls the parallel port:

    language: python
    constructor: true
      - parallel_out


We then need to define the parallel_out signal as follows:


    shape: 1
    dtype: uint8
    log: true

And add it as an input to the logger:

    - tick_count
    - parallel_out

Add parallel_toggle module files

The default behavior of the parport driver is to take the value of the input signal and write it to the specified parallel port. For that to work, we’ll need to set the parallel_out signal in our parallel_toggle parser each tick.

Let’s generate parser and constructor files for our new module:


In the constructor, add the following line:

toggle_switch = 0b00000000

In the parser add the following lines:

parallel_out[:] = toggle_switch
if toggle_switch == 0b00000000:
    toggle_switch = 0b10000000
    toggle_switch = 0b00000000

The 0b syntax allows us to set each bit individually in the unsigned 8 bit integer signal parallel_out. Here we set only the first bit high (pin 9, data bit 7), but we could just as easily set all the bits high with 0b11111111


Turn on your oscilloscope and run:

licorice go quickstart-4 -y

You should see the same output in the terminal as the quickstart-3 model and a SQLite database in the model output directory, but now you should also see that the green trace (channel 2) on the oscilloscope screen jumps up and down each second. If the output is over channel 1, feel free to switch the BNC probes so that the output signal is on channel 2.

View the oscilloscope output as a square wave

Since the LiCoRICE model only runs for 10 ticks over 10 seconds, we don’t have a lot of time to modify the settings on the oscilloscope to see what’s going on. Start by commenting out the num_ticks argument in quickstart-4.yaml so that the model runs indefinitely and decrease the tick length so we have a 10Hz square wave:

  tick_len: 50000 # tick length in microseconds (50ms)
  #num_ticks: 10  # number of ticks to run for

Run the model again and while it’s running, adjust the oscilloscope to view the square wave output. Start by turning off channel 1 using the CH1 MENU button and adjust the horizontal scaling using the SEC/DIV knob until the division length shows as 50ms in the topbar. Adjust the vertical position and scale for channel 2 until you see the full signal. A 1V division should be sufficient. If you’d like to stop running the model, you can do so by typing Control-C in the terminal.

Setting a trigger

Using the TRIG MENU button, make sure that an Edge Type trigger is set on the CH2 Source and that Slope is set to Rising. Then, use the trigger LEVEL knob to set the trigger to the midpoint of the signal. You should now see something like this:

10Hz square wave

5. Drive Output from an External Input

In the last example, we generated a 10Hz square wave in LiCoRICE and output it over an external channel. Here, we will use an external parallel port input to drive our parallel_out variable which will be output over a second parallel port cable.

Update model config

Copy over the model config to a different file:

cp $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-4.yaml $LICORICE_WORKING_PATH/quickstart-5.yaml

Add a source that will read our parallel port input:

    language: python
      name: parport_in
        type: parport
        addr: 0
          dtype: uint8
          size: 1
        max_packets_per_tick: 1
      - parallel_in


Similarly to the parport sink driver, the default parport source driver behavior is to populate the parallel_in variable with the data read over parallel port in each tick.

We’ll also change the parallel_toggle module definition to take parallel_in as an input signal and not use the constructor. Rename the module to parallel_through so we can use a different module file:


    constructor: false
      - parallel_in


Lastly, add the parallel_in signal which will have a similar definition as the parallel_out, just without logging.

  shape: 1
  dtype: uint8

Update toggler module

Open a new file named $LICORICE_WORKING_DIR/ and update it with the following:

parallel_out[:] = parallel_in

Set up the oscilloscope function generator

First, we’ll need to output a signal over our oscilloscope that will drive LiCoRICE. Use a 10Hz square wave:

Connect a BNC to Jaw clip line cable to the EXT TRIG/GEN OUT port on the oscilloscope. Connect the black alligator clip to ground on the /dev/parport0 breakout board and the red alligator clip to pin 9. There should be enough room on the jumper cable terminals to connect the channel 1 probe as well. Press the WAVE GEN button on the scope to turn on the waveform generator and set Wave: Square, Frequency: 10.000Hz, Amplitude: 3.300V, and Offset: 0.000V. You should see the oscilloscope-generated signal on channel 1.


Run the model:

licorice go quickstart-5 -y

You should see all the same outputs as in the previous examples, but now there should be two similar traces on the oscilloscope. Since the oscilloscope and LiCoRICE are both operating on the same clock, the two signals will not necessarily be in phase with each other. To see better phase alignment, try setting the LiCoRICE tick_len to a lower number, say 10000 (10ms ticks) or 1000 (1ms ticks). Note that operating at such a fast clock rate without a realtime kernel patch (1ms) may cause a timing violation.

Oscilloscope view

To visually see the latency introduced by LiCoRICE on the oscilloscope, change the trigger Source to CH1 and make sure the LEVEL knob is set correctly. You should see something like this:

10Hz square wave being tracked by LiCoRICE output

Manipulate the signal

We’ve taken the input signal and replicated it at the output, but what if we want to modify it? We can change the parallel_through module to the following:

parallel_out[:] = ~parallel_in

This uses the bitwise NOT operator ~ to flip the bits in the parallel_in signal. After doing this, you should see the paralell_out signal inverted on the oscilloscope:

10Hz square wave and inverted LiCoRICE output


If you’ve gotten this far, congrats! You’ve finished the LiCoRICE quickstart and have learned how to input a signal into a realtime system, manipulate it, log it, and output it back. To learn more about LiCoRICE and work through the rest of the examples, check out the full tutorial.