Environment Variables

LiCoRICE uses the following environment variables to search for files and set output directories:


The following environment variables instruct LiCORICE where to look for certain files and use PATH-style lists of paths separated by your OS’es path separator (commonly : for Linux).


Overrides LiCoRICE base working path. The default path is the current working directory where LiCoRICE has been run from. A warning will be issued if this is not set. Set LICORICE_WORKING_PATH=. to suppress the warning and use the default behavior.


Overrides LiCoRICE’s template search path. The default path is licorice/templates in the repo directory.


Overrides LiCoRICE’s generator search path. The default path is licorice/generators in the repo directory.


Overrides LiCoRICE’s module search path. The default path is the concatenation of the working_path and <working_path>/modules.


Overrides LiCoRICE’s model search path. The default path is the concatenation of the working_path and <working_path>/models.



Directory to output the LiCoRICE model. This is where rendered templates and compiled executables will live for a given model. The default is <working_path>/<model_name>.lico/out for the CLI and <working_path>/run.lico/out for the Python API.


Directory to export the LiCoRICE model. The default is <working_path>/<model_name>.lico/export for the CLI and <working_path>/run.lico/export for the Python API.


Directory to move old LiCoRICE modules. This is used by the generate command to prevent accidental deletion of modules. The default is <working_path>/.modules.


Directory to output LiCoRICE model. This is where rendered templates and compiled executables will live for a given model. The default is <working_path>/<model_name>.lico/.out for the CLI and <working_path>/run.lico/.out for the Python API.